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小学一年级英语教案-Where’s my pen教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-02-22 15:27:36

学好小学英语有很多种方法,而课前阅读教案是提高英语学习水平的最好方法,为了让大家掌握住这样的学习方法,下面为大家带来小学一年级英语教案-Where’s my pen教案,希望能够提高大家的英语学习水平。


1. 语言功能:询问物品方位及回答

2. 语言结构:Where’s my/ the …? It’s on/ in / under….


1.知识与技能:单词where’s= where is, on, in, under

句型Where’s my/ the …? It’s on/ in / under….



三、教学重点:Where’s my/ the …? It’s on/ in / under….

教学难点:熟练运用on, in, under描述方位

四、教具准备:tape-recorder, books, cards, PPT, stickers



1. Greeting: Say “Hello” to children

2. Guess “What’s in the box?”

(1)出示box, cat, panda, dog

(2) Guess “What’s in the box?”


1. Learn “Where’s” “in”

(1) Where’s the cat? It’s in the box. (板书:Where’s in)

Where’s Where’s 在哪里,in in 在里面

(2) Practice: Where’s the book? It’s in the desk.

Where’s the pencil? It’s in the pencil-box.

2. Learn “Where’s” “on”

(1) Where’s the cat? It’s on the box.(板书:on)

Where’s Where’s 在哪里,on on 在上面

(2) Practice: Where’s the dog? It’s on the seat.

Where’s the panda? It’s on the school bag.

3. Learn “Where’s” “under”

(1) Where’s the cat? It’s under the box.(板书:under)

Where’s Where’s 在哪里,under under 在下面

(2) Practice: Where’s the ball? It’s under the desk.

Where’s the ruler? It’s under the hat.

Where’s the hat? It’s under the ruler.

(比较hat/ cat)

4. Learn the new text

(1) Open the book page38. Listen, point and repeat.

(2) Listen again and find “where’s”, “in”, “on”, “under”


1. Say the chant:

Where’s Where’s 在哪里,in in 在里面

Where’s Where’s 在哪里,on on 在上面

Where is Where is 在哪里,under under 在下面

(Where’s= Where is) (it’s= it is) (What’s= What is)

2. Ask and answer: Where’s my/ the …? It’s on/ in / under….

3. Now let’s go to Amy’s room. What can you see? And where’s the …?

4. Do AB.


Listen and draw the ball

1. 2. 3. in on under

五、Cooler:Summary and homework

1. 38、39页听录音读5遍。 2. 单词表读5遍

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